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Pistons part ways with Troy Weaver, hire Trajan Langdon as president of basketball operations

来源:World Window news portal编辑:world时间:2024-06-02 02:21:08

DETROIT (AP) — The Detroit Pistons have parted ways with general manager Troy Weaver and hired Trajan Langdon on Friday as president of basketball operations.

Detroit has had the NBA’s worst record the past two seasons and won just 23% of its games over four years with Weaver in charge of basketball operations.

Langdon was hired by the New Orleans Pelicans as general manager in 2019 and they improved under him in each of the past five years, winning 49 games last season to trail the win total of only one team in franchise history.

The former Duke standout, who played in Cleveland for three seasons, previously was the Brooklyn Nets’ assistant general manager. The Pistons said he will hire other executives in an expanded front office.

Detroit hired Weaver nearly four years ago after he was with the Oklahoma City Thunder for 12 seasons, including three-plus years as vice president of basketball operations.

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