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Artworks shine at the international consumer products expo

来源:World Window news portal编辑:opinions时间:2024-06-03 18:17:49

At the commencement of the fourth China International Consumer Products Expo on April 13, the spotlight shone on eight imperial handicrafts, including cloisonne, filigree inlay, and imperial embroidery, drawing visitors to the Beijing exhibition.

The showcase, organized by Beijing Gongmei Group, aims to display the allure of traditional Chinese culture and craftsmanship at the expo, which has brought together over 4,000 brands from seven countries and regions and is scheduled to run until April 18.

Several of these exquisite products are the result of the company's Yuxun program, which focuses on innovative art creations. Wang Jingjing, deputy general manager of Beijing Gongmei Group, expressed that Yuxun will persist in collaborating with time-honored brands and intangible cultural heritage crafts to pioneer new modes of joint design and development, ushering in fresh chapters in the marketing of joint branded products.

Wang emphasized that the international expo serves as a crucial platform for the Yuxun program to gain nationwide exposure, offering new perspectives and opportunities to the world.

Duan Tiyu, chairman of Beijing Gongmei Group, underlined the company's commitment to leveraging its resources, breaking through boundaries, and striving to explore new ideas and paths for the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese culture.

Duan expressed the company's hope that through the expo, they can bolster regional cooperation, enhance the influence of time-honored brands, and contribute to their rejuvenation and vitality in the new era.

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